(403) 284-5444


IVF Cycle Timeline

Conventional IVF Cycle Time-Line – Step 1: Downregulation Female partner or oocyte donor calls day 1 of each month of cycle. Complete all necessary tests as soon as possible to ensure you can accept treatment when offered. Note: Timeline may be adjusted as directed by physician. Menstrual Cycle...

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Can I eat and drink prior to and after the HSG procedure? Yes, but try to avoid dairy products when taking the antibiotic because it can cause stomach upset.   How long does the HSG procedure take? The procedure itself takes about 5 minutes.   Can I leave immediately after the HSG? Yes.   Is an...

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What are my options when I no longer wish to continue storing my embryos? You must complete a Consent to Discontinue Storage of Embryos form indicating your wishes for the future disposition of your embryos if you no longer wish to continue storage of your embryos.  This consent should be signed...

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Laser Assisted Embryo Hatching (AH)

In order for implantation to occur, the embryo has to escape the shell (zona pellucida) surrounding it. This process is known as embryo hatching and it occurs in normal circumstances within the uterus. Assisted embryo hatching is a technique whereby the embryologist can precisely and accurately...

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Vitrified Donor Egg Program

  Why are Donor Eggs Needed? There are many circumstances in which the use of donor eggs may be required for conception.  If a known egg donor is not available then purchasing vitrified (frozen) eggs from a commercial egg bank is an option. Some common reasons for using vitrified eggs include:...

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Semen Analysis

Note: There may be the option of producing a semen sample at home and bringing it to the lab. Please speak to a member of our team when booking your semen sample to see if you may be eligible to produce it at home.General Information A semen analysis is the primary laboratory test for assessment...

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I have had one miscarriage and am very concerned that I will have another. Will the RPL clinic take me as a patient? Unfortunately, 15-20% of pregnancies are lost in the first or early second trimester. Although this is an emotionally upsetting time for families, it is sadly a common experience....

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Navigating Your IUI Cycle

My RFP doctor has recommended an IUI cycle? What is the next step? IUI stands for Intrauterine Insemination. During this procedure the prepared sperm sample is placed inside the uterus with a small tube or catheter. This is not a painful procedure.If you decide to proceed with IUI, the first step...

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