Angela and Tanner
Angela and Tanner
Regional Fertility Program – #ShareYourStory Campaign
This story saw heartache and is ongoing with the promise of hope and dreams. Read about Angela and Tanner’s journey in this week’s #ShareYourStory.
“Never in our lives have we felt so many emotions in such a short period of time. It was excruciating – our hearts were broken.”
I started fertility drugs for our first round of IVF on August 14, 2018 and we did the retrieval procedure on August 25, 2018. We were soon advised that 15 eggs were retrieved, 13 of which were fully mature. Over the next few days we learned that 9 eggs had fertilized and when all was said and done, we ended up with 7 little embabies that filled our hearts with joy.
On October 2, 2019, we started our second round of IVF. This cycle was not as invasive as our first cycle (as we had 6 frozen embryo). This time around we decided to incorporate Acutonics and Acupuncture as we had read that it was very beneficial. On November 13th we transferred 1 embryo. Two 2 weeks later we did a pregnancy test and discovered that my HCG levels were still very low. 24 hours later we did a 2nd pregnancy test and the following day were advised that it was positive. We were pregnant! We were thrilled!! All of our patience had paid off and a weight had been lifted from our shoulders. We were SO happy!
Unfortunately, on December 4, 2018, I ended up in emergency (due to cramping and bleeding) and discovered that my HCG levels had dropped significantly. We had experienced a miscarriage. Never in our lives have we felt so many emotions in such a short period of time. It was excruciating – our hearts were broken.
After taking a few months off, we began our third round of IVF on February 26, 2019. This time we decided that we would transfer 2 embryos. We also choose to include Acutonics and Acupuncture into this cycle as well. After being delayed a few times (due to my endometrium thickness) we finally set out transfer date. We will be doing our next transfer tomorrow, and are hoping and praying that the third time is a charm.